There’s a wide range of groups active in Towersey – so whatever your interest there is bound to be somewhere for you to get involved.
Village Groups
Towersey Wednesday Morning Coffee Club
An informal gathering which meets every Wednesday morning from 11 am -12 o’clock in the village hall. Newcomers are always very welcome. We also adjourn to The Three Horseshoes for lunch once a month. It’s a good way to meet and chat with others.
Further information from Angela Dike on 215287 or just turn up on any Wednesday morning.
Gardening and Biodiversity Group
We meet at 7.30pm on the last Wednesday of each month at Chapel cottage, Chinnor Road (next to Village Hall). We each put in £1 a meeting which is accumulated and put towards a summer visit to a garden of interest and to buying trees for our village and possibly further afield.
So far we have been allotted a grant of 160 trees, 100 of which have been planted in Towersey. We’ve also planted a large sack of bulbs along Thame road and at the crossroads. Some of us work together in organising the plant stalls at Mayday and the summer fete.
We also use an active WhatsApp group, where we try as a group to answer each other’s questions and share information. Anyone can join us by contacting Cherry Nurse who will add you to the group. Or just come along.
Towersey Folk Dance Group: With live music 7:30 pm every Monday (except for bank holidays or August) in the village hall. For more information call Mary Walter on 01494 481459
This page is available for all groups, organizations, etc. to promote their activities or report on matters of interest.